How to butterfly a lobster tail

How to butterfly a lobster tail

How to Butterfly a Lobster Tail - Carmelita Seafood

How to Butterfly a Lobster Tail

Master the art of butterflying lobster tails with this simple, step-by-step guide. This technique creates an elegant presentation and ensures even cooking.

  1. Cut the Top Shell

    Use kitchen shears to cut along the top of the shell from the wide end to the base of the tail, stopping just before the tail fin. Don't cut through the meat.

  2. Spread the Shell

    Gently spread the shell apart, but leave it attached.

  3. Lift the Meat

    Carefully pull the lobster meat upward, keeping it attached at the tail. Place the meat on top of the shell.

  4. Position the Meat

    Arrange the meat neatly so it sits on the shell, giving it that "butterfly" appearance.

  5. Cook

    Now it's ready to bake, broil, or grill!

With these simple steps, you'll create beautifully presented lobster tails ready for your favorite cooking method.

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